JOYn us in all your RADience and abunDANCE of SPARKles!!!

We are celebrating the transition into the New Year together for the 3rd time in a symbolic and joyful way, through practices that bring out the light in us; meditations, asanas, writing and movement ... and we invite you to join us!

In this New Year's ritual we say our Good-byes to the current year and welcome the new one. Setting the intentions to step into our light, this time it's all about finding the joy within us and celebrating life. 

This has been a very popular event so far and we ask you to sign up at, or in class. 

2019, here we come!

Bring your notebook/paper and a pen!
Price: 2500 ISK (please bring cash, or pay by transfer)

Love and light,
Baddý and Klara