Dear all! I'm starting with my Introductory course in Mindfulness Meditation and I would loved to see you there. The course will be held on Monday evenings in October, 7.30pm-8.30pm, starting on the 8th of October. The price is ISK 3.500 (4 classes).

For registration and more information please contact me at

In this course you will be introduced to the basics of Mindfulness Meditation, which is, in my own experience, a powerful tool to improve your well-being and your relationship with life. You’ll learn about the various benefits of the practice as well as different meditation techniques. You’ll practice awareness of mind and body, as well as becoming more compassionate and kind towards yourself and others.

I recommend this course to anyone that is interested in starting a regular meditation practice, to anyone that wants to cultivate more self compassion, or to anyone that is simply looking for a helpful tool to deal with the ups and downs of a daily life. 

Looking forward to share this with you all!
