This is a not to miss opportunity to learn about the ancient medicine, Ayurveda with an amazing, experienced teacher, Adelfa Marie Samson. Adelfa just published a book called The Holistic Healing Power of Yoga, with a big section covering Ayurveda and the book can be included in the price of the workshop or for sale separately.

Ayurveda, one of the most ancient sisters of yoga helps us identify our doshas. Then what happens after that, if we truly understand them, it will take our practice into a higher level of health management and or prevent illnesses. Understand what causes aggravation and how to manage them. 

Part I –Ayurveda – Definition, origin, history, attributes (branches of Ayurveda) and integration with the holistic living: Learn how the universal elements, pancha mahabhutas, as well as astrological elements are considered congruent accompaniment to a healthy human existence. What are doshas, their functions, locations, physical, psychological and physiological attributes? How to determine your doshas and their significance and manifestations? 

Part II – Managing Your Doshas – In this workshop you will learn causes of dosha aggravations, Ayurvedic treatments beyond Pancha Karma, Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy, preparation and post care and maintenance including, various Ayurvedic massages appropriate for each dosha, diet and nutrition that includes food charts and appropriate Raja yoga for each dosha.  

The duration of the Workshop is 4 hours with small breaks in between.

Adelfa Marie Samson, ERYT500, YACEP, has been a Yoga and Ayurveda practitioner since 1995. She spent a majority of her time and training with various masters in the US and North and South India. She just completed her first yoga book, “The Holistic Healing Power of Yoga”. 

Saturday, 8th September, 13.00 - 18.00

Workshop only : 6 900 ISK
Workshop + book : 9 000 ISK
The Holistic Healing Power of Yoga book : 3 000 ISK
One copy of the book is at our studio, please ask if you would like to sneak a peak ;) .. then more books coming with Adelfa and will be for sale from 3rd September ( if you are going to attend the workshop and would like to get a book too, it could be a good idea to get it before the Workshop, read through it so you can use it as a manual ) 

INFO AND REGISTRATION : or directly at the studio :) 

We are very excited to be hosting this very special workshop as there are not many Ayurveda practitioners in Iceland, even though it is quite an important addition to Yoga.