The power our feet have to create a beautifully stable structure throughout the body is incredible. Think of an information super highway running from your foot to your pelvis and up through the spine, constantly adapting, shifting weight, finding balance and strength. This happens inherently and yet most people spend a good portion of their day wearing shoes that limit or even switch off the ability for this information to connect freely.

In this workshop we will look at the anatomical function and play with a variety of explorations to see how releasing the fascia in the foot can create more space in the legs and the pelvis effortlessly as well as seeing the foot and the big toe as powerhouses of propulsion. From foot massage to “gorilla walks” we find an ease in movement with strength and grace and be super grateful for our amazing feet!


Julie Martin wants you to think outside the box, get off your mat, shake up the old dogmas and find the freedom to unfold into the beauty of a yoga practice that emerges from the inside.

With over 25 years of experience and an international following of students and teachers alike, Julie’s greatest aim is to inspire. Her particular passion for human movement means continual investigation of new anatomical approaches, working with natural movement, range of motion, integrated stability and letting go of some of the old asana myths in order to move with the body and not against it. The practice is always an inquiry, a somatic exploration of sensation, movement, and stillness.

"Your yoga practice should invite you into relationship with your self, your body, your mind and emotions. This is not Instagram yoga or circus skills class. This is moving through layers, feeling, experiencing and observing process, moving towards stillness, moving towards self."

PRICE: 8.900 ISK
Location: Reykjavík Yoga, Frakkastígur 16, 101 Reykjavík
Please sign up at
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