This is the second year we decide to celebrate the transition into the New Year in a more powerful and symbolic way and we invite you to join us!

In this New Year's ritual we say our Good-byes to the current year and welcome the new one. This is the time to release, to reflect on gratitude and set our intentions, weaving it together through the tools we use in Yoga. We will meditate, write journal, move through an asana practice and end around a bonfire... as through fire we can symbolically release and create. 

Last year we had a full room, so just to make sure we reserve a space for you, please fill out the form below:

2018, we are ready for you!

Price: 2000 ISK - All the money raised will be donated to charity, as part of our intentions for 2018.

Bring your notebook/paper

Love and light,
Baddý and Klara